A downloadable game

 You are a cat with nine lives, exploring the world. Maybe you are an indoor cat who got out one day, or a cat living in an established cat colony. CatScratch explores your lives through Going On Journeys and Resting. Live your lives to the fullest, and pass something on to the next generation of cats.

CatScratch can be played with 1-4 players with everyone playing a cat, made with a GM-Agnostic approach. This can mean having no GM, rotating, or having one set GM. CatScratch is meant as a storytelling-forward Role Playing Game. Rolls are made to help shape the story, not dictate it. Not meeting a die roll doesn’t necessarily mean you fail, it might mean you make a mistake, or there is a larger consequence to your Action.


CatScratch-v1.pdf 66 kB

Development log


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This is an interesting game. I like the vibes. Although he system is not complicated I did have to read the rules twice to understand them which is not a big deal, but examples of play and a completed example cat would be appreciated. <3

Hello! Thank you for your feedback! Examples are on my list of things I want to do, including a character sheet. Is there anything specific I could clear up in an example of play?